The action of Ozone (O3) as a germicide, against different pathogens has been studied; and has revealed the biological effects with therapeutic benefits [1-5]. Ozone inhibits growth and causes the death of gram negative and gram-positive bacteria, exposed to the ozone concentration of 0.167/ µg /min/L, at different times, produced ultra-structural changes in the bacteria, showing deformation and sudden damage with surface destruction, collapse and cell lysis [6]. The present work was developed in the “El Salado” zootechnical post, belonging to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics of the “Benemérita Universidad Autonóma de Puebla”, in the production module of Milk Bovines, which has cows of the Holstein- Frisean and Jersey breeds, under a system of intensive handling, being milked twice a day (every 12 hours), in a 4-box fishbone milking parlor and with a Westfalia brand milking equipment; where, after identification of subclinical mastitis, by performing the California Mastitis Test on each cow, the readings were made and three experimental series were applied, using different concentrations of the ozone-oxygen mixture, in the affected mammary quarters of nine cows in production. After 4 days of treatment with the ozone / oxygen mixture, a 50% improvement was observed in the affected rooms, reflected in a reduction of somatic cells and leukocytes per milliliter of milk; being the dose that obtained better results, the one of 11µg of ozone in a mixture of ozone- oxygen in 300ml of volume, that were instilled in the affected breast rooms. It is concluded that the effect of intramammary administration of the ozone / oxygen mixture (MOO) is presented as an adjuvant in the innovative treatment of subclinical and clinical bovine mastitis, representing a real alternative, being necessary to establish effective doses and volumes for said end; Therefore, the indiscriminate use of antimicrobials would be avoided, establishing this ozone therapy as an effective, safe, cost-effective method, with zero days of withdrawal and without the risk of having drug residues in milk.
DOI: 10.37572/EdArt_30102427712
Palavras-chave: Ozone therapy, Subclinical mastitis, Milk quality
Keywords: Ozone therapy, Subclinical mastitis, Milk quality
The action of Ozone (O3) as a germicide, against different pathogens has been studied; and has revealed the biological effects with therapeutic benefits [1-5]. Ozone inhibits growth and causes the death of gram negative and gram-positive bacteria, exposed to the ozone concentration of 0.167/ µg /min/L, at different times, produced ultra-structural changes in the bacteria, showing deformation and sudden damage with surface destruction, collapse and cell lysis [6]. The present work was developed in the “El Salado” zootechnical post, belonging to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics of the “Benemérita Universidad Autonóma de Puebla”, in the production module of Milk Bovines, which has cows of the Holstein- Frisean and Jersey breeds, under a system of intensive handling, being milked twice a day (every 12 hours), in a 4-box fishbone milking parlor and with a Westfalia brand milking equipment; where, after identification of subclinical mastitis, by performing the California Mastitis Test on each cow, the readings were made and three experimental series were applied, using different concentrations of the ozone-oxygen mixture, in the affected mammary quarters of nine cows in production. After 4 days of treatment with the ozone / oxygen mixture, a 50% improvement was observed in the affected rooms, reflected in a reduction of somatic cells and leukocytes per milliliter of milk; being the dose that obtained better results, the one of 11µg of ozone in a mixture of ozone- oxygen in 300ml of volume, that were instilled in the affected breast rooms. It is concluded that the effect of intramammary administration of the ozone / oxygen mixture (MOO) is presented as an adjuvant in the innovative treatment of subclinical and clinical bovine mastitis, representing a real alternative, being necessary to establish effective doses and volumes for said end; Therefore, the indiscriminate use of antimicrobials would be avoided, establishing this ozone therapy as an effective, safe, cost-effective method, with zero days of withdrawal and without the risk of having drug residues in milk.
- Gabriel Gerardo Aguirre Espíndola
- Mari Carmen Larios Garcia
- José Alfredo Galicia Domínguez
- Sandra Ortiz González