El glifosato es un herbicida organofosforado utilizado mundialmente en la agricultura, el incremento en sus dosis de aplicación genera problemas ambientales y selecciona plantas más resistentes. Es necesario conocer el tipo de resistencia para generar estrategias de control de malezas. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar molecularmente especies que resistan a este herbicida y analizar su mecanismo molecular de resistencia. En este estudiose colectaron 12 muestras de la zona oriente del estado de Morelos (México) con tolerancia a glifosato. Para la identificación se extrajo el ADN, se amplificó por PCR, se obtuvieron y analizaron las secuencias del gen trn. Para demostrar el mecanismo de resistencia se amplificó la EPSPS, posteriormente se realizó un perfil de restricción con AluI, finalmente se generaron árboles filogenéticos de los biotipos que mostraron resistencia, resultando Spermacoce sp., Helianthus sp., Ipomoea sp., Commelina sp. Echinochloa sp. como géneros principales. Concluimos que son cinco especies que presentan resistencia, no obstante, no se encontró presencia de EPSPS, el crecimiento de los arvenses en cuestion podría deberse a una resistencia en sitio target o también por modificación fisiológica.
DOI: 10.37572/EdArt_3011230556
Palavras-chave: herbicida, glifosato oxidoreductasa, plantas, mecanismo de resistencia
Keywords: herbicide, glyphosate oxidoreductase gene, plants, mechanism of resistance
Glyphosate is an organophosphorus herbicide used worldwide in agriculture. In addition, the increase in application doses generates environmental problems and selects more resistant plants. It is necessary to know the type of resistance to develop weed control strategies. Thus, the objective of this work was to molecularly identify species that resist this herbicide, especially to analyze its molecular resistance mechanism. In this study, 12 samples, with apparent tolerance to glyphosate, were collected in different locations in the eastern part of the state of Morelos. At least 4 species were repeatedly found at the sampling sites. For the identification of each specimen the DNA was extracted, amplified by PCR, and visualized in agarose gel electrophoresis. In addition, the sequences of the trn gene were obtained and analyzed. To demonstrate the mechanism of resistance of the biotypes, an amplification of EPSPS was performed. However, it was not possible to amplify due to an incorrect performance of the techniques used or the oligonucleotides design. Subsequently, a restriction profile was performed with AluI, the in silico analysis agreed with these results. Finally, phylogenetic trees were generated to identify the biotypes that showed resistance; Spermacoce sp., Helianthus sp., Ipomoea sp., Commelina sp., and Echinochloa sp. were found as main genera. We conclude that there are five species that have resistance to glyphosate, tests are needed to study the EPSPS sequences to demonstrate the resistance mechanism of these biotypes. However, it could be due to resistance at the target site, where the objective of the process cannot be achieved at the site of action, since mutations occur in the DNA sequence, or also an expression of the gene that is inhibited by glyphosate.
Número de páginas: 15
- David Antonio Moreno Medina
- Carmen Yazmin Rojas Cardona
- Alma Cuellar Sánchez
- Victor Becerra Ruiz
- Esteban Montiel Palacios
- José Luis Gadea Pacheco